1.10.2008 | 00:41
Tengja menn aš vera stjórnarformašur viš žaš aš leišast
Kannski ekki en ég geri žaš.
Žannig er mįl meš (į)vexti aš uppį engilsaxneska tungu segja menn žegar žeim leišist.
I“m bored i“m so bored that i“m chairman of the board. Uppį okkar įstkęra ylhżra tungu gęti žetta veriš žżtt. Mér leišist, mér leišist svo mikiš aš ég er stjórnarformašur!!! sumt er bara ekki hęgt aš žżša beint. žaš segir sig sjįlft.
Er staddur ķ žeim skemmtilega bę Toledo sem er ķ Ohiorķki ķ bandarķkjum Noršur-Amerķku og honum er kannski lķst įgętlega hjį žeim įgęta manni John Denver. Blessuš sé minning hans. en hann lķsti Toledo eitthvaš į žį leiš ķ laginu Saturday night in Toledo Ohio og kom fyrst śt į plötunni Evening with John Denver
Saturday night in Toledo, Ohio, is like being nowhere at all
All through the day how the hours rush by
You sit in the park and you watch the grass die
Ah, but after the sunset, the dusk and the twilight
When shadows of night start to fall
They roll back the sidewalks precisely at ten
And people who live there are not seen again
Just two lonely truckers from Great Falls, Montana
And a salesman from places unknown - ces unknown
All huddled together in downtown Toledo
To spend their big night all alone
You ask how I know of Toledo, Ohio
Well I spent a week there one day
They've got entertainment to dazzle your eyes
Go visit the bakery and watch the buns rise
Ah, but let's not forget that the folks of Toledo
Unselfishly gave us the scales
No springs, honest weight, that's the promise they made
So smile and be thankful next time you get weighed
And wive and wet wive
Let this be our motto
Let's let the sleeping dogs lie - ping dogs lie
And here's to the dogs of Toledo, Ohio
Ladies, we bid you goodbye
Svo segist mašur ekki hafa tķma til neins. usss žaš er allt til į veraldarvefnum.
Kv Gunnar Bjarnason
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